Meet Catrina, a 9-month-old baby girl with gorgeous blue eyes. After the initial consultation, I discovered she showed a slightly sensitive- laid-back temperament but was very persistent. And meet her mummy Mirona who comes out as a more intense, energetic-spirited personality.
Mum expressed her worries based on Catrina’s chaotic sleep schedule day and night and her low appetite and, the fact that lately, Catrina was very clingy.
Catrina was used to be rocked and fed to sleep. She co-slept with mum and, she needed assistance to fall asleep and stay asleep over the night and during day naps.
Before we started to move Catrina in her cot and provide her the opportunity to practice falling asleep on her own, we did some micro-steps:

- I strongly recommended to mum to take it a bit slower and take time to observe and understand her child’s- and her own- temperamental traits.
- I recommended including Catrina at the family table for meals in a booster chair and allowing her time to discover and enjoy the food.
- I recommended strategies for handling mealtimes, naps (wake windows appropriate for baby’s age and level of overtiredness)
- a plan for success where were included strategies and steps to follow for a healthy bedtime routine
Before the sleep program started, I made sure Catrina had good restorative sleep over predictable naps, allowing the mum some rest before the first night of the sleep plan.
Catrina responded well after only two nights of the plan, and she was able to sleep blocks of 4 hours with no assistance, have a dream feed, and then another 7 hours night sleep stretch. By the end of the BeesyMum Program, Catrina’s appetite and interest in food raised and she was less clingy to mum, being able to play independently.
Find here more ideas of meals for a toddler:

Well done Catrina, Mirona and Gabriel! You nail it!